ICSM understands the groups work can not be successful without open communication with all stakeholders. ICSM is committed to both providing information on its activities as well as seeking input from industry and interested groups.

ICSM has adopted five main channels for communication. These include:

  1. Publishing material on the ICSM website
  2. Presenting papers and conducting workshops at Industry Seminars and Conferences
  3. Producing issue specific publications for circulation to interested groups
  4. Publishing papers in Industry Journals
  5. Developing close liaison and cooperation with other Industry Groups and users.


ICSM News is a six monthly publication which provides a quick summary of ICSM activities and identifies opportunities for industry comment. The most recent and historical editions of ICSM News can be viewed from the ICSM publications page.



ICSM welcomes feedback about any of the areas where it has an involvement. In particular ICSM would appreciate comments on:

  • Issues or areas where further investigation or assistance is required
  • Ways to further enhance relationships with Industry and Industry groups
  • The content and structure of this website.

Web Links

ICSM would encourage the development of linkages from other websites to specific pages on this website. Where this is done ICSM would appreciate that appropriate acknowledgment is given to the source of the information.