The S-100 Universal Hydrographic Data Model
The International Hydrographic Organization (IHO) S-100 data model is the baseline for the Common Maritime Data Structure (CMDS), which defines what data should be exchanged in e-Navigation (MSC 90/28, paragraph 10.10).
The IHO and several other international organisations such as IALA, WMO and IEC are developing data exchange standards for various types of navigational information, and some of these product specifications are now ready for testing.
The S-100 Working Group (S-100WG
The S-100WG was stood up to take a leadership role in the creation, implementation and oversight of the introduction of S-100 based services in Australia and New Zealand by developing documentation, creating national guidelines and policies, defining roles, responsibilities and controls that will harmonize the e-Navigation data chain.
The S-100WG is responsible for coordinating and managing the timely and effective implementation of a broad range of S-100 products and services in the region.
Roles of the Members:
Participate in meaningful discussions and consultations to drive the harmonized implementation and maintenance of S-100 based services;
Facilitate and coordinate S-100 products’ generation, their quality and usage; ensuring the alignment of these products with the S100WG goals set in the S100WG Work Plan;
Work collaboratively to ensure that product management activities are in alignment with the established priorities of the affected organisations to enable sound decision making;
Facilitate cooperation in international engagement with S-100 relevant international bodies and provide a forum for evaluation of international work and its impact on the region.
Terms of Reference of the Group:
IHO S-100 Website: Link
POC for WG: Alvaro Sanchez, S100WG Chair
Operationally, the S100WG is divided in 2 national branches to better support the work of each participating country. For specific information regarding the S-100 work carried out in Australia or New Zealand, please refer to their corresponding national web pages using the links below.
Australian Branch

S100WG - Inaugural Meeting
On Wednesday the 2nd of November 2022 the Australian Hydrographic Office (AHO) hosted the inaugural meeting of Australia’s S-100 Working Group. The meeting was conducted virtually and it was attended by almost 50 representatives from a diverse number of state, federal and private organisations. Representatives from Land Information New Zealand (LINZ) were invited by the AHO and attended as observers.
This first meeting aimed at introducing the audience to the IMO’s eNavigation strategy and the S-100 framework as well as sharing similar initiatives currently underway in other countries.
The main message was that S-100 and its related products and services are key in enabling the IMO’s eNavigation strategy and that its successful implementation relies on the coordinated effort by a number of different organizations not just the AHO.
On this note, attendees were requested to discuss the role of their organisations in a national eNavigation strategy based on the S-100 framework and report back to the group at the next meeting.
A MS Teams community has been stood up as the main S100WG collaboration space and, from now on, all key content will be managed at that level. if you are interested in knowing more about the work of the WG or getting access to their working documents and material please contact the S100WG Chair directly