Cadastre 2034: Powering Land and Real Property
Cadastre 2034: Powering Land and Real Property is a national strategy for Cadastral Reform and Innovation for Australia. It has been prepared by the Permanent Committee on Cadastre; a Subcommittee of ICSM.
The strategy captures the trends and articulates the vision of what we believe the community will require of our cadastral system by 2034. It identifies where current information falls short of today’s consumer expectations, and considers the user scenarios that could trigger changing needs in the future. Cadastre 2034 has been developed with input from a New Zealand perspective and Trans–Tasman collaboration remains an important feature of this strategy.
The vision for Cadastre 2034 is for a cadastral system that enables people to readily and confidently identify the location and extent of all rights, restrictions and responsibilities related to land and real property.
In future, citizens will know what can be done on land (rights), what cannot be done (restrictions) and what must be done (responsibilities).
Our mission is to promote and support innovation and provide the leadership, coordination and standards necessary to deliver a unified cadastral system that can be leveraged to find sustainable solutions to meet emerging needs and opportunities.
Available documentation in pdf format:

(including video presentations - 4.61MB)

Cadastre Working Group Locate 24 workshop: progress update for Cadastre 2034
ICSM's Cadastre Working Group recently held a workshop at the Locate 24 Conference in Sydney to update the geospatial sector on its current initiatives and share progress made against the five goals under Cadastre 2034. Developed in 2014, Cadastre 2034: Powering Land and Real Property is a national strategy for Cadastre Reform and Innovation for Australia and is available for download via
During the workshop the audience provided their own assessment on progress and contributed ideas for the actions required over the next ten years to achieve those goals below.
There's a lot more work to do over the coming 10 years! The Cadastre Working Group will now develop a work plan for the next 2 years to further progress delivery of the Cadastre 2034 goals.