Meeting #6 Presentations and Report
1 Meeting outline and outcomes - Irina Bastrakova
2 W3C Standards - Simon Cox
3 ISO and OGC - Chris Body
4 Data Quality IG - Mingfang Wu

Survey results - Irina Bastrakova

6 GDA2020 Update - Joel Haasdyk
7 Data and related services - Melanie Barlow
8 MDWG - Communication and Promotions - Irina Bastrakova
9 Technical Documentation, in four parts - Byron Cochrane
10 NAA -  Digital Continuity Policy 2020 - Irina Bastrakova for NAA 
11 TERN -Controlled Vocabularies and Data Integration - Jenny Mahuika
12 Marine Community Profile (MCP) transition to ISO 19115-3 - Natalia Atkins
13 Review of the ANZLIC/ICSM Metadata Working Group Roadmap – Graham Logan and Irina Bastrakova
14 Minutes of Meeting
15 ANZLIC/ICSM MDWG Action Items